

DO YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO START PRINTING RECHARGE CARD OR HAVE YOU BEEN TRYING TO START YOUR OWN PROFITABLE RECHARGE CARD BUSINESS RIGHT HERE IN NIGERIA WITHOUT REASONABLE SUCCESS? If  yes, I’m glad to inform you today that you’ve come to the lasting solution to what you’ve been looking for all these days but make sure that you read below update to its last word because   Recharge card printing business is a very lucrative business that has turned many poor Nigerians into wealthy individuals. It is very easy to start and you can do it on a Part Time or Full Time basis and I will vividly show you how to make it done with just simple steps and  DO YOU KNOW THAT; Y ou Can Learn How To Generate The Recharge Voucher PIN By Yourself In Your Comfort Home Or Office At A Cheaper Rate Than Many Others. Y ou Can Print Out The Recharge Pin Right Inside Your Bedroom Or At Your Office, Be A Wholesaler And Sell To Other Smaller...


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Will You Like To Start Recharge Card Printing Business Or Have You Been Trying To Start This Profitable Recharge Card Printing Business? …If YES Then, I’m Glad To Tell You That You’ve Come To The Lasting Solution To What You’ve Been Looking For. Just Carefully Watch Through Below Tutorial Video On How To Prints Recharge Vouchers From Home Or At Your Office. Please Watch  To The End! There Are Three (3) Categories In Production Of Recharge Cards, Namely: 1.       Mega Dealership 2.       Sub-Dealership And 3.       Small Scale Recharge Card Printing. … Mega Dealership: This is the most lucrative and rewarding part of this business but it requires huge start-up capital up to N5,000,000.00 for a dealership/agency arrangement between the investor and the network service providers.   … Sub-Dealership: This is an arrangement that can be attached to those who are distributors depending on the...


1) The Negative Thinkers: These are the set of people who are always online to give negative comments to any business opportunity, they served as destiny stopper, their negative comment in the group usually denied people to achieve any given opportunity that could have changed their life situation. 2) Doubters: These are the set of people, who always think every online business is SCAM due to their previous experience. But even if you introduced something genuinely  to them, their internal doubtful habit will deny them to take action on a good platform that can change their story! 3). The Ignoramus: - These are always aware of opportunities. They don't read wide to understand and maybe live in a small world of knowledge. 4). The Passers-by: Just see or read but never pick interest. They always wish they got involved when it is already late. Always just passing by opportunities in life. 5). The Excuse givers: They see the opportunity but their interest is killed by ...


K-E-E-P  G-O-I-N-G! Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power. Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going. Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.  Thomas A. Edison & Co America's Greatest Inventor And Businessman

How to Register on Recharge and Get Paid


RAGP Tutorial on How to Buy Airtime, Sub Data, GOtv, DSTV, Pay Bills, PH...


Always Remember Below Facts Insight

 Money does not respond to qualifications, 路‍♂Otherwise the wealthiest people should have been Ph.D holders.  Money does not respond to age, 路‍♂Otherwise the world’s oldest twins would have been the richest. 路‍It is not about your degree, 路‍♀ it is all about what you do after the degree. 路‍Have you noticed that the 1st class degree holders Are not the Richest Neither are the 3rd class degree holders the poorest. There is more to being wealthy than education. 路‍♀ The most important thing is Mindset and the next thing is a Commitment to self DISCIPLINE. 路‍♂The only person holding your key to success is nobody apart from YOU yourself. 路‍♀There are no secrets to success but the challenge is that very few are ready and willing to pay the price to succeed. 路‍♂ While some are partying and gisting, others are learning, planning and earning. 路‍♀ Don’t sit down and complain about where you are, it won’t change anything.路‍ If you must see change, the person that must change is...

Financial Intelligent Insight

If you handle your Network Business as a just business it will surely pay you a just money and if you sincerely treat and handle it with a total passion surely it will sincerely and continually pay you passionately money.  TAKE NOTE PLEASE, if you talk you business with a person you may likely earn a person money but if you talk your business with some people hopefully you'll earn some people money. That's why financial freedom is a choice. Kindly stay focus and be fully committed to your business. Keep talking your business with some people so you can make some cool money like Mr. Amos. Please don't wait for your upline  or downliner because everyone answering his or her Father's name on the earnings. Think positively and become Financial Intelligent.


An entrepreneur is someone who through critical thinking and environmental scanning discovers a need, develops an idea or way to solve it, concepts it into a business venture and assumes all the associated risk for value creation and makes profit. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers and Value creators. WHY ENTREPRENEURING: 1. Being an employee pegs your financial and material progress because someone else determines your salary and your increase. 2. A job or working for someone makes you exchange the most energetic and valuable  years of your life  for “salary” 3. The “job” mentality may streamline the mind and lock down your financial genius and entrepreneurial ability 4. Value creation and increased earning 5. It puts your financial capacity and future in your hands 6. Personal ownership of business empowers you to do more in life 7. Helps you to contribute to community, society and national development 8. Instability in the labour market and the probability of keepi...


1) Telling the truth and making someone cry, is better than telling a lie and making someone smile 2) Your true friend is someone who will never avoid you just because of meeting new people 3) If someone doesn't appreciate your presence, make them appreciate your absence 4) When someone is quiet on you, there is always a reason 5) Be a blessing to others at all times 6) Forgive others not because they deserve it but because you deserve peace 7) Over thinking leads to depression 8) Everybody deserves a second chance but not for the same mistake 9) Some people talk to you in their free time while others free their time to talk to you 10) The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie will hurt forever 11) Respect people who tell you the Truth no matter how bad it is 12) Don't make decisions when you are annoyed and don't make promises when you are excited 13) Some people are like candles, they burn themselves to give light to others 14) A caring friend is thous...

Why You Should Join Network Marketing

Network marketing is to make you become your own boss and manage your own organization. In network marketing you determine when to work also you fulfill all your heart desires also give you the opportunity to realize your potential dream in life. As a networker you will learn how to keep appointments and manage your time. Network marketing gives you total flexibility and no more stressful rush hour commutes and you learn how to coach. Frankly there is nothing more rewarding than helping others achieves success. Do this and satisfaction and financial rewards are yours guaranteed. In network marketing you will develop your patience skill and it will teach you how to be patient with others that are learning the business and finding their confidence. Apply this in your daily activities and in any business you intend to venture. Network marketing has got many professionals that you will be able to learn and grow as you start to talk to more people with your network business you n...


1. Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead; if you lose, you can guide. 2. People are not what they say but what they do; so judge them not from their words but from their actions. 3. When someone hurts you, don't feel bad because it's a law of nature that the tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets maximum number of stones. 4. Take whatever you can from your life because when life starts taking from you, it takes even your last breath. 5. In this world, people will always throw stones on the path of your success. It depends on what you make from them - a wall or a bridge. 6. Challenges make life interesting; overcoming them make life meaningful. 7. There is no joy in victory without running the risk of defeat. 8. A path without obstacles leads nowhere. 9. Past is a nice place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay. 10. You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. 11. If what you did yesterday still looks...