
Showing posts from February, 2018


An entrepreneur is someone who through critical thinking and environmental scanning discovers a need, develops an idea or way to solve it, concepts it into a business venture and assumes all the associated risk for value creation and makes profit. Entrepreneurs are problem solvers and Value creators. WHY ENTREPRENEURING: 1. Being an employee pegs your financial and material progress because someone else determines your salary and your increase. 2. A job or working for someone makes you exchange the most energetic and valuable  years of your life  for “salary” 3. The “job” mentality may streamline the mind and lock down your financial genius and entrepreneurial ability 4. Value creation and increased earning 5. It puts your financial capacity and future in your hands 6. Personal ownership of business empowers you to do more in life 7. Helps you to contribute to community, society and national development 8. Instability in the labour market and the probability of keepi...


1) Telling the truth and making someone cry, is better than telling a lie and making someone smile 2) Your true friend is someone who will never avoid you just because of meeting new people 3) If someone doesn't appreciate your presence, make them appreciate your absence 4) When someone is quiet on you, there is always a reason 5) Be a blessing to others at all times 6) Forgive others not because they deserve it but because you deserve peace 7) Over thinking leads to depression 8) Everybody deserves a second chance but not for the same mistake 9) Some people talk to you in their free time while others free their time to talk to you 10) The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie will hurt forever 11) Respect people who tell you the Truth no matter how bad it is 12) Don't make decisions when you are annoyed and don't make promises when you are excited 13) Some people are like candles, they burn themselves to give light to others 14) A caring friend is thous...