Dear Network Marketers

Often I hear a good number of us saying something like this, "Let's do team-work". Awesome! As far as I'm concerned, teamwork is good and can help everyone win so big, but I always get marveled by our people's distorted definition of TEAMWORK in this industry.

Let me quickly correct this wrong view of what teamwork entails. Teamwork isn't your upline or team leaders doing the work and giving you free new business partners while your work is to sit and wait for an alert. Gush! This is wrong.

Teamwork entails your upline supporting you with prospecting your personally contacted prospects, helping you to get updated with your company's information and also sorting out some puzzles that could spring up from time to time.

Teamwork is not all about your upline calling you everyday and monitoring if you're working or not. Though it's good if he or she does so but it's not compulsory.

Listen and let me give you my last advice; your upline is neither your boss nor your magician. You joined this business based on your personal decision. Your failure or success is in your hands not in anyone' s. The work of your upline is to educate you but that's if you're docile or teachable, because you can force a horse to the stream but you cannot force it to drink. Above all, this is a business not a job and you're an entrepreneur not a staff of anyone.


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